Thursday, November 10, 2011

Happy Birthday, my angel baby

Hudson is ONE today!  Happy Birthday, weetie-pie!  Here are a few of my favorites from the past year:

Why yes, I do have perfect cheeks.  Thanks for noticing.

I'm starting to get rolls, which my mommy loves.  I also have a dimple and amazing pig meat aka neck sugar.

 Yes, mommy, you can eat my thighs....but make it quick.

I can even make man boobs look good and that is no easy task.

 I miss these days when he was only rolling over, not eating dead moths and sea shells.

Keep the prunes comin', this I pray.

Nose sugars.

I like to be naked, ok?  I sweat a lot, give me a break. 

Huddle's TO DO list:  Wrap daddy around little finger:  CHECK!

Wrap mommy around little finger:  CHECK!

Somehow get OUT of this crib and IN that big ole comfy bed mommy sleeps in:  CHECK!

This is the grin that gets me lots of neck sugar.

Naked again. But it's August, people. 

Calm down, dad, I am secure in my manhood.  I can rock a hairbow every now and then.

 I like to drink the tub water and get totally strangled at least five times per bath. 

THE onesie. 

If spatulas are wrong, I don't wanna be right.

Yes, I am heading toward the husky department and I'm ok with that.  Me and mom prefer elastic, one of the many things we have in common.  Also, please notice that I am an avid reader and quite limber.

Puffy, Puffy, Puffy Stuff...I just can't get ENOUGH ENOUGH!!!  You will only understand this if you watch Little Bill.  And we do.  Huddle loves some PUFFS!!!!

I rule this house.  I sleep where I want.  I am too cute for a crib.

The oven drawer.  My current favorite place to be.

This is my sugar-high face.

This is one of my two tricks.  I can show you my teeth and point to my nose.  Stay tuned:  more tricks coming soon!!!

Happy Birthday, Mr. Awesome!  You have already taken ten years off my life with your dare-devilish-ness, but I have loved every minute of it.  We are so blessed to have you.  God gave you to us in a special, miraculous way and I will never stop praising Him for the gift that is YOU.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Few days, full of trouble....

Well, I hate to be a Debbie Downer on this post but I have just been thinking lately how this life is full of problems....problems we don't expect, problems we aren't prepared for, and problems we don't know how to solve.  Thankfully, my little family has not had to deal with anything serious.  No major illnesses or anything like that.  And Chris and I both have good jobs and good insurance.  I realize so many deal with serious health problems or financial issues or they have lost parents or siblings or they don't have health insurance.  I know that kind of stuff is BIG, really big and I don't know anything about that kind of hurt or frustration at this point, and for that I am thankful.  That is why we really need to thank God for each day that we have and try to just see the big picture.  This world is not our home.  We are just passing through, but we are not walking alone.  OK, I'm about to break out into a hymn here.  Where's that pitch pipe?  lol.  Doe So Me Doe (then the 'hummmmmmm'). 

In my life,  most problems lately have involved dealing with PEOPLE and that is what makes them so difficult and emotional.  Over the past few years, problems have arisen that I did not see coming and  I really did not do the best job in handling them. Here are some things God taught me as I dealt with this stuff and these were hard lessons to learn:

1.  I don't have to always tell people how I feel.  Like every thought in my head.  I am an open book and I am honest and I have always thought that was one of my good qualities...Weeell, I have learned that being open does not alway have to translate into dislodging every thought from my brain and spilling it out of my mouth.  Sometimes keeping the old mouth shut can be a good thing.  My dad always quotes the Bible 'Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent'. (Proverbs)  I need that on my fridge, for real.

2.  I should not be surprised when problems arise.  I should expect them to arise.  The Bible says that life is a few days and full of trouble, however,  it also says we should praise God anyway because these trials work patience in us.  No wonder I am having extra trouble--duh!  I am the most impatient person EVER.  Again, I am so thankful for Chris because he really does help me with that.  He never over-reacts.  He usually just lets things work themselves out and is not confrontational at all.  That's a good thing, I have learned.  I'm just a fixer, what can I say...workin on this but it's a struggle.

3.  I have to go with the flow and not have an 'admit me to Marion' breakdown every time someone doesn't think I am MissWonderfulness or hurts my feelings.  People hurt each other.  Christian people hurt each other, unintentionally most of the time (I would hope).  We are just imperfect and we act emotionally instead of patiently and prayerfully (preaching to myself here).  I have to forgive and move on and not hold bitterness in my heart because that is just plain old sin. I shouldn't be waiting for apologies or acceptance or a lovey dovey hug fest. As long as my heart is in the right place, a place of love and compassion, then I am pleasing God and that is most important.

4.  I have to realize that I cannot be close friends with everyone I have always been close friends with.  People change.  Times change.  God moves us around in life.  I have great, close friendships in my family and I am thankful for those. 

5.  I always want things to 'get fixed' when problems arise, whether it be problems with the house, relationship problems, whatever.  I want the world to stop and all of the bad to go away and get some super glue and have some heart to heart talks and fix fix fix.  I have realized that most stuff, big stuff, especially the relationship stuff, can take days, months, even years to 'fix'.  God works differently in everyone.  But I will tell you this:  ME?  I like to make-up right away.  No matter what.  It makes my stomach hurt to be at odds with a person or a family member.  I want things to be back to normal and perfect.  It doesn't always work that way with every person (can't imagine) but some people just like to woller in it (and that is one of my favorite words, woller...just wish I got to use it more often). 

6. OK, here is a recent one and it should not bug me but it DOES:  It seems like everywhere I go lately, there is a homeschool buzz-killer.  I mean, here we are having a great time, my kids are learning, I'm having fun teaching, and things are going relatively smoothe...then along comes Miss or Mr Negg (ative) 'Are you getting them involved in enough activities?  You don't want them to be UNsocialized, now that's real important.  You do get their vaccinations now, don't you?  Will they be able to go to college with that homeschool degree?  What about their prom and stuff?'  I am serious.  This happens all of the time.  Random people.  At Lowe's.  At Kmart.  It's bizarre.  I need to realize that not everyone is going to think it is super duper that I homeschool my children.  I have realized that I don't have to explain in great detail why I do it or defend why I do it to anyone.  The truth is, most people DON'T think it is the best choice (and that is ok because it is certainly not for everyone), however, I am only being obedient to what God has called me to do.  I only answer to God and my husband...and us three, we are all on the same page so that's all that matters.  I saw a tee shirt that was awesome...It said 'Ask me why I homeschool!'  Then underneath, 'On second thought, DON'T'.  That is so true because it is such a touchy area for people.  I have found many people are offended because of the 'If it's good enough for mine, why isn't it good enough for yours?' thing.  I have told my children that public school is not a bad place, there are great teachers and great kids and they have lots of's just the teacher's not as great as ME, the kids aren't as great as YOU GIRLS, and they don't have as much fun as US.  wink wink.  Plus, we get to learn God's word and that is something that can't be taught in the public school.  We get to learn every subject from a Biblical view point and that is just plain awesome.  So, here would be my advice to the HSH mafia (home school haters)---- you know the old saying 'if you can't say anything nice..' (you should know the rest)----well, that would apply here. 

God bless you all. 

Shewww.  Now, I'm really depressed and I'm going to have to go to DQ and buy a blizzard from the guy with the crusty fingernails.  Next blog----HAPPY THOUGHTS!

Sunday, October 2, 2011


This morning, this girls and I were reading a Bible story about Noah.  I was trying to explain to them how dangerous it is to be outside of God's will and how Noah and his family were protected and safe because they were obedient to God.  I explained that the safest place for a person to be is in God's will and doing exactly what He tells us to do in the Bible.  Jillian looked at me and asked the funniest question:  'Don't you mean God's car, mom?'  I was obviously confused by this and asked, 'What are you talking about, Jilli?'...She explained, 'Well, you said the safest place for us to be is in God's WHEEL and that is weird to just say mean God's car, right?'  I realized that I had never really explained to my girls about the WILL of God.  I thought that was so cute. 

The more I talked with them about it and thought about it, the more I realized that Jillian was not far off base.  Being in God's will really just means being in God's car...riding with Him, letting Him steer and lead the way.  Only going where He would go, stopping where He would stop, and having the same destination.  The safest place to be is in God's car.  I wouldn't want to ride with anyone else, would you?  My only problem is I try make Him scoot over and let me drive...Not a good idea!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

These are a few of my favorite things (this week):

1.  SIMPLY VERA PJ's.  Listen to me.  You need to have at least five pair of these in your pj drawer.  At the end of a long, stressful day I look forward to these. They are so flowy, soft, and comfy (and beautiful).  Do yourself a favor:  buy these!  Go to, wait for the 30% off sale and then get Vera Wang pj's for about $25ish-$30ish.  Most all of the styles have the same material and it is HEAVENLY.

2.  IPAD.  I cannot live without my ipad.  $600 from BestBuy and we chose the 18 month, no interest option.  Our payment is sooo low and now, I am so over laptops.  They are so heavy and cumbersome.  The battery life is awesome on the ipad and we have not had the first issue.  Our laptops were always so touchy and always shutting down and locking up.  My girls love it so much and they learned how to use it in a snap.  Seriously, we fight over this thing!  There are so many free, educational apps.  I use it for their homeschooling (and shopping) and they learn so much (and more shopping) and I think I may even buy another one (and facebook) because it would help them get the best possible education (and more facebook :).  

3.  DUNKIN DONUTS COFFEE.  So, I have just started drinking coffee since the having of the babies.  I never thought I would be a coffee drinker and I still have to have the cream and sugar but I could not survive without my morning coffee.  I have tried all of the brands and I really can't find any I like more than dunkin.  I buy the original and I think it is even better than....dare I say it......STARBUCKS.  It really is.  Their scones still have my heart, but for coffee---DD all the way!  Try it!

4.  KEURIG.  Speaking of coffee, I LOVE my Keurig coffee maker.  I am the only coffee drinker in the house and I found myself wasting so much.  I like the convenience of the K-Cups and there are some delicious varieties, however, I use the personal filter with my own DD coffee most of the time (much cheaper).  If you are going to do the K-cups, I do recommend during the 30% off sale.  Go to every couple of weeks to check for codes.

5.  ROSEMARY & PARM TRISCUITS.  These things are so amazing!  I use them for lunch time when it's just me and the girls.  I top them with deli turkey and swiss (american for the girls)...microwave to melt the cheese...and then I stick an apple slice on top!  DELICIOUS.  I love the flavors together.  Try them.  They rock.

6.  WHONU COOKIES.  Ok, these things just came out and I was thinking there is no way those are edible.  One serving has as much fiber as a bowl of oatmeal and tons of calcium and other vitamins.  Well, the girls LOVE them.  I found them at Walmart and they have chocolate chip and 'oreo'.  I feel so much better about letting them have cookies for a snack.  They are definitely a far cry from the real deal but it's something sweet for them, sweet AND healthy.  Wow.

7.  LEARNING RESOURCES.  This one is for the homeschool nerds (like me)  hehehe.  I love this stuff.  This website,, has tons of hands-on learning tools and games for the kids.  As I blog, Jillian is playing a money match game and this is her math lesson for today...such a nice break from the dreaded 'worksheet'.  Here's another tip:  Go to their clearance link and they have great bargains.  Web-Wednesday is the best day to shop because they have even more amazing deals.  To top that off, go to for coupon codes and you get additional % off.  Two weeks ago, I scored 40% off clearance.  Needless to say, I stocked up.

8.  KNITTING!!!  A friend has taught me how to knit and I am loving it.  I was always intimidated by those long pointy needles...but little did I know, it is easy and so fun.  I can only do a basic stitch and fringes at this point but that is all is all you need to know to make a SCARF (everyone can expect a scarf at Christmas, btw).  So far I have made one for Jillian and am working on Josie's.  It is so easy to learn so if you want me to depart my vast knitting knowledge (joke) upon you, just HOLLER!  :)

9.  DOLPHIN TALE in 3D.  Sooo good.  Such a feel-good, CLEAN movie.  Enjoyable for kids AND parents (how often does that happen?)  Josie and I grabbed a friend and went to see it Sunday night.  Jillian wasn't feeling well so she stayed home with Chris and Hudbud.  I didn't understand that until I got home and she was running a fever of 103!  Josie is sick now too with high fever, btw.  I'm so ready for my kids to get better.  Sickness for the past week!  Anyway, back to the movie.  Go see it, you'll be glad you did.  I'm not even an animal lover and I fell in love with that dolphin.  Plus, I thought there was a good shout-out to hands-on, practical learning.  Sometimes books are so boring, you know?  I hope, as a homeschool teacher, I can see learning opportunities and not be so regimented with the books and worksheets.  B O R I N G.  Below is the only relevant pic for #9 here, Josie in her 3D glasses!

10.  And, last but not least, HUDSON IN HIS WOODY PJ's.  (Shout out to Parker for the 'HAMMY downs').....Of course, he is always a favorite thing!

I have realized while typing this blog that (a) I use too many comas,,,, and, (b) I ALL CAP WAY TOO MANY WORDS.  Please love me anyway and don't think I'm a bad punctuator, and, hence, a bad homeschool teacher.  Please.  I ,NEED, YOUR, APPROVAL!!!  ;0)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Love never fails.

Chris and I celebrate TEN years today!  I will take this opportunity to brag on my husband.  Here is a list of things I appreciate most about him:

He is the most humble person I have ever met.  He does not try to impress anyone. 

He puts our (mine and kids) needs and wants before his own.

His eyes light up when he sees his kids...he's the best dad I have ever seen.  He has made up silly songs about each of our babies and I still remember them. 

He loves my family and treats them like his own, which is very impressive to me and would impress anyone else who has met my

He doesn't talk bad about people.

He loves God and always thinks about what is right according to God's word.  He has integrity.  (should probably be the first item on the list)

He has never told me a lie and I have never told him a lie.  We trust each other.

He does my dishes every night after he gets off work.  I never have to do dishes.

He lets me take naps and never complains or makes me feel guilty if I need extra sleep.

He is always happy and content.  He is rarely in a bad mood and never complains.

He is calm and never gets upset about things, which helps me because I freak out over everything.

He is patient with me and all of my ailments...always sympathetic and caring.

He is handy and can do all of that manly stuff like change oil in a car and hang big mirrors on the wall. 

He thinks I'm beautiful even when I have no makeup on and my hair is sticking up like a turkey.

He doesn't try to 'fix' things/people the way I do sometimes, and this is a good thing.  He realizes when to leave things alone that he cannot control or correct.  I have realized that is a very good quality. 

He loves getting a package as much as I do.

He never expects me to cook.  He appreciates it when I do and we both love to enjoy a home-cooked meal together, but if I don't feel like cooking, he just gets out a can of Spaghetti-o's without complaint.  Where would we be today without Spaghetti-o's?  Don't want to think about it.  :)

Now, keep in mind I have a 'things that annoy me really bad' list also but that will be published at a later date....just kidding.  Happy Anniversary to the LOVE OF MY LIFE!  I am one happy girl and I thank God for you, Chris!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

School Time!!!

A wonderfully-talented man from Lee Co. made this desk for me...this is just the online image.  I will take a pic of my girls' desk and post it soon. It turned out great and I am extra-excited about starting my homeschool because they will have their own private work spaces this year.  I can't wait to get started!  September 6th is our starting date.

Now, the ONLY time and I mean the ONLY time I get excited about going to Walmart is when school supplies are on sale.  There is nothing I enjoy more than shopping for school supplies, especially when they are ridiculously cheap!  I love getting matching pencils and folders and notebooks for my pencil cases, filling them with everything they need for the first day of school:  colored pencils, crayons, pencils, erasers, tape, glue stick, scissors.  I love to have everything organized and just right for our first day.

I am so thankful that God has given me the opportunity and the abilities to teach my children at home.  In college, I studied psychology.  I also worked on my teacher certification for elementary education...that was my minor.   When I finished my psych. degree, I still lacked two classes and student teaching to finish my teaching 'stuff'.  I was ready for a break from college so I decided to put the teacher cert. on hold and go work with my family for a while because they needed some management help. Sometimes I think I should go back and finish those classes.  Actually, I know I should.

And I remember trying to choose a major in college, wow... I was so frustrated...I didn't even want to be in college!  I didn't want a career!  All I wanted was to be married and have a baby.  And I was so unsure about the psychology thing.  I knew it was the only thing that really interested me so I just went with it.  And then there was the teaching thing.  That would be my career choice, if I had to choose. I really had no idea what I would do with the psychology thing, other than try to analyze my 'interesting' family.  lol.

Here is what is awesome to me: God knew that I would struggle with anxiety and panic.  If I hadn't studied all about that stuff in school, I probably would have thought I was losing my mind.  I understood what was happening to me and that was comforting...and that it could and would get better with the right treatments.  I have also been able to be a support for others who have gone through similar situations, which has been a blessing to me.  I am so thankful for my psychology degree and who knows how else God will use that to enrich my life.  God also allowed me to use my teaching in teaching my own children!  Wow.  I really never saw myself as a homeschool kind of person.  Never.  Really.  I did not think I would or should or could, but I LOVE IT.  I love teaching my children and I know that I'm doing the right thing.  I know that it is not for every family and it doesn't always work for every child, but I am thankful that, so far, it is working for us.  My girls might not get as excited about it as I do but that is ok.  ;)   And there are hard days, for sure.  I don't mean to make it sound overly-dreamy.  ;)  It can get hairy some days.

Isn't it great to look back and see God's hand?  When we are living life in the day-to-day, we don't always see the beautiful thing God is creating in us.  I read a book recently that compared the Christian life to a beautiful painting.  When you are standing right in front of it, with your nose pressed against the canvas, you cannot see things clearly.  Things are blurry and it is sometimes hard to understand what it is you are seeing.  It is when you are standing far enough away that you can see how the colors blend and can see the beautiful work of art!  I thought that was a great comparison.  Even the hard stuff, the bad stuff....sickness and hardships...and I know those will come, I know that God will be with us and it's all just part of the beautiful thing that is our life.  We may not be able to see God in it at the time, or understand it all but looking back, we will see clearly. 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

All About Josie

Josie loves receipts, any receipt..she is not picky.  Nothing excites her more than a really long food city receipt (which are not hard to come by at this house).  She puts them in her purse to play 'momma'.  She is amazing at Super Mario Bros and video games, in general.  She is a morning person and always wakes up with a big smile.  She is addicted to chocolate milk and Justin Beiber.  She loves to go to church and learn about God but hates any home Bible study because she says it makes her sleepy.  lol.  She is excited to be homeschooled for kindergarten  but would really like to ride a school bus and carry a backpack.  (She has a backpack at home but says it's just not the same.)  She does not eat enough to keep a bird alive, which keeps me worried to death.  She tells lots of fibs...but then when she gets caught says 'kiddingggg' and it's so cute, she usually gets away with it.  She throws bad tantrums and I regularly threaten to call Super Nanny.  They are not as frequent now so I am praying that she is outgrowing them.  She loves to play house (momma).  Here are the essentials for playing momma:  dead cell phone, purse, babydoll, pretend boyfriend.  She is always talking to her babysitters and her boyfriends on the phone and it is hilarious to hear the convos (and BTW, she will NEVER have a husband, it's always a boyfriend...and she wants them to sleep over.  ;)  She is a great big sister to Hudson.  I was most worried about how she would handle this, not being the baby anymore, but she is crazy about him.  She always has a new nickname for him.  This week, it's 'Huddle Crackers'. 

Here are some favorite pics of Josie Claire.    

She was a TATER.  SO ROUND!

I was obsessed with hats.  It was tacky.  I realize this looking back on all of the hat pics. 
 She is identical to Hudson, I think. 

Look at this bed head!

And here we have the old faithful bowl cut.  Hindsight is 20-20.  I will not be doing this to Hudson.  I did this cut with both of my girls.  Why didn't someone tell me????

I love this picture of her.  Look at this pose!!!  Now, she is so camera shy.

She loves her sis.  They are best friends.

One of my favorite pics!

She sure does love her daddy.  He used to wrap her in a toga after her baths.  She loved that!

She always, ALWAYS has a bag.  And it's ALWAYS full of the most interesting assortment. 

And she knows how to cut loose and have a good time!

Mommy loves.

Even on the grouchy days.  I love you completely, Josephine.  You're amazing to me!!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My God is An Awesome God

A few weeks passed by and I had been living with a different frame of mind, for sure.  I truly was not worried at all about getting pregnant.  I had total peace about it.  One day, I woke up feeling strange.  Strangely pregnant!!!  And trust me, I know how it feels.  I have always had lots of early, obvious symptoms, having been pregnant six times.  I thought 'there is NO way that I am pregnant..I mean, I know God is going to do this but, so soon???'.   Yes, a positive pregnancy test proved that I was preggo. indeed!  Wow!  That was all I could think or say.  Chris and I were in awe of what God has done.  You know how people imply that when you stop worrying, that is the key to hear so many stories about that.  People might think the release of the stress can be the magic of the conception (and I'm sure it can be).  But for me, no way!  I knew that God was showing off.  Not only did he reward our faith and answer our prayers.  He did it immediately, which was such a bonus!  I had to tell people.  I had shared with so many friends, coworkers, and family about what happened at the baby shower so everyone was just amazed at what had happened, knowing that we had struggled for quite a long time.  One of the first people that I called was Pastor Eva.  She was so happy but not one bit surprised!  :) 

I went ahead and scheduled my first doctors appointment because they always do early ultrasounds on me, considering my history.  My first appointment, Dr. Scruggs ordered an ultrasound and the tech was fairly quiet.  Of course, there is not a whole lot to see at less than six weeks along but there was a little flickering heartbeat on the screen and that is always a wonderful sight and sound.  After the ultrasound, I met with the doctor in the exam room, she had a concerned look.  She told me that the heartbeat was very low but she was pleased that we saw one.  She said she wished she could tell me everything would be ok but we would just have to keep an eye out and hope the heartbeat speeds up.  I was to come back in two weeks for another ultrasound.  She told me to watch for the obvious symptoms that have happened in the past (cramping, spotting).  If these happened after hours, come to the ER.  During hours, to the clinic.  I was concerned a two on the one to ten scale (we rate everything around here. meals. movies. anxiety...mainly me and jilli on the anxiety ;)).  I knew what God had done and I knew it was early so it was in my mind, but I drowned it out with my excitement and my faith was strong, but that was Tuesday.

The following Saturday (so, about a week and a half later), I had to work at the store.  As soon as I got there, I realized I had started bleeding.  My heart started pounding.  I called Chris to come get me immediately and we headed to BRMC.  I was seven and a half weeks pregnant.  We dropped the girls off with my mother-in-law on the way.  She brough a piece of paper out to the car and I still carry it in my wallet.  She had written down a bible verse for me:  Psalms 46:1  'God is my refuge and strength.  A very present help in trouble.'  I needed that.  I have an awesome mother-in-law, by the way....obviously!  (love you, Betty,  if you are reading.  you are a blessing to me.) 

When we got to the hospital, I was called back right away.  They took me back to ultrasound after about an hour's wait.  I was praying continuously that I would see a heartbeat.  Sure enough, there it was, beating away!  I lifted my hands and praised God in that dark room, so thankful for that improvement.  The heartbeat had increased twenty beats per minute in less than two weeks...I could see that on the monitor!  And I was asking a hundred questions (imagine that) and the ultrasound tech was as vague with each answer as he could possibly be.  Then he told me that he hated to give me bad news but they doctor would need to talk to me about this ultrasound.  That didn't sound good but I was not afraid at that point because I was so encouraged by the high heartrate.

I was wheeled back to the exam room and the ER doctor came in about thirty minutes later.  'Mrs. Kent, I'm sorry to tell you this.  I am very concerned with the pictures I see on this ultrasound.  This does not look like a normal pregnancy.  Yes, the heartrate is healthy.  However, I can see an obvious birth defect that causes miscarraige....and with your bleeding....I'm just concerned for you.  I want you to take this disk to your doctor next week and she can explain in greater detail the problem that we see.'  He continues 'Mrs. Kent, see how these two tissues are attached...well they shouldn't be.  It's sort of like the baby has not separated enough from the uterine wall, almost growing to it.'  He continued to explain that he was not an OB but he sees lots of early pregnancies in the ER and that this did not look good.  I cried the whole way home.  How could I wait and NOT KNOW for two or three more days? 

Several of the ladies from the baby shower were prayer partners for me before and during my pregnancies.  One of them (yes you, D, if you're reading.  love you.  you're awesome!) called me and said 'I heard about your doctor report today.  Joelle, who are you going to believe?  Are you going to believe the doctor's report or God's report?  Your baby is whole, in the name of Jesus.  Your baby is perfect in Jesus' name.  God is going to see this pregnancy through.  He did a miracle in giving you this baby.  This baby is going to be just fine and He will receive all the glory.  (this is not word for word, just as best as I can remember)  That is why I have to write down my testimony so as many people can read it as possible.  God deserves all the praise and glory for this baby and that is why I write. Anyway, that was an awesome encouraging call and she assured me that she had talked to Pastor Eva and they were agreeing and believing that God had this baby in His mighty hand.  I felt so much better.  I had to believe God's report.

I got to see Dr. Scruggs on Tuesday and I had been praying that this ER doc was just totally confused and wrong and knew nothing about ultrasound.  That is really what I was believing and praying.  I was called back after a loooong wait.  shew!  The doctor listened to me tell all about my dramatic encounter.  Looking puzzled, she asked to see the disk and left the exam room.  She told me that she would view it in her office.  She was only gone for five minutes, but it seemed like five hours!  When she returned:  THE EXACT REPORT I PRAYED FOR.  'Joelle, whoever told you that this is not a normal pregnancy must not know much about ultrasounds in early pregnancy.  This ultrasound looks perfectly normal to me.  I see nothing of concern.  I realize you are spotting but bleeding can be ok in some pregnancies.  I know it's concerning with your history, but I think everything will be fine.'  They repeated the ultrasound that day and she repeated the same diagnosis:  Keep a watch, but no need for panic.

So, guess what happens next!?! 

Well, I got miserably fat and swollen, became an insomniac, and other unmentionables....and forty weeks...Tah-Dah!


And TAH-DAH!  Now, can you see that halo?  He's my angel.  Thank you, God!