Saturday, August 13, 2011

All About Josie

Josie loves receipts, any receipt..she is not picky.  Nothing excites her more than a really long food city receipt (which are not hard to come by at this house).  She puts them in her purse to play 'momma'.  She is amazing at Super Mario Bros and video games, in general.  She is a morning person and always wakes up with a big smile.  She is addicted to chocolate milk and Justin Beiber.  She loves to go to church and learn about God but hates any home Bible study because she says it makes her sleepy.  lol.  She is excited to be homeschooled for kindergarten  but would really like to ride a school bus and carry a backpack.  (She has a backpack at home but says it's just not the same.)  She does not eat enough to keep a bird alive, which keeps me worried to death.  She tells lots of fibs...but then when she gets caught says 'kiddingggg' and it's so cute, she usually gets away with it.  She throws bad tantrums and I regularly threaten to call Super Nanny.  They are not as frequent now so I am praying that she is outgrowing them.  She loves to play house (momma).  Here are the essentials for playing momma:  dead cell phone, purse, babydoll, pretend boyfriend.  She is always talking to her babysitters and her boyfriends on the phone and it is hilarious to hear the convos (and BTW, she will NEVER have a husband, it's always a boyfriend...and she wants them to sleep over.  ;)  She is a great big sister to Hudson.  I was most worried about how she would handle this, not being the baby anymore, but she is crazy about him.  She always has a new nickname for him.  This week, it's 'Huddle Crackers'. 

Here are some favorite pics of Josie Claire.    

She was a TATER.  SO ROUND!

I was obsessed with hats.  It was tacky.  I realize this looking back on all of the hat pics. 
 She is identical to Hudson, I think. 

Look at this bed head!

And here we have the old faithful bowl cut.  Hindsight is 20-20.  I will not be doing this to Hudson.  I did this cut with both of my girls.  Why didn't someone tell me????

I love this picture of her.  Look at this pose!!!  Now, she is so camera shy.

She loves her sis.  They are best friends.

One of my favorite pics!

She sure does love her daddy.  He used to wrap her in a toga after her baths.  She loved that!

She always, ALWAYS has a bag.  And it's ALWAYS full of the most interesting assortment. 

And she knows how to cut loose and have a good time!

Mommy loves.

Even on the grouchy days.  I love you completely, Josephine.  You're amazing to me!!!

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