This morning, this girls and I were reading a Bible story about Noah. I was trying to explain to them how dangerous it is to be outside of God's will and how Noah and his family were protected and safe because they were obedient to God. I explained that the safest place for a person to be is in God's will and doing exactly what He tells us to do in the Bible. Jillian looked at me and asked the funniest question: 'Don't you mean God's car, mom?' I was obviously confused by this and asked, 'What are you talking about, Jilli?'...She explained, 'Well, you said the safest place for us to be is in God's WHEEL and that is weird to just say mean God's car, right?' I realized that I had never really explained to my girls about the WILL of God. I thought that was so cute.
The more I talked with them about it and thought about it, the more I realized that Jillian was not far off base. Being in God's will really just means being in God's car...riding with Him, letting Him steer and lead the way. Only going where He would go, stopping where He would stop, and having the same destination. The safest place to be is in God's car. I wouldn't want to ride with anyone else, would you? My only problem is I try make Him scoot over and let me drive...Not a good idea!
Great post!