Monday, October 10, 2011

Few days, full of trouble....

Well, I hate to be a Debbie Downer on this post but I have just been thinking lately how this life is full of problems....problems we don't expect, problems we aren't prepared for, and problems we don't know how to solve.  Thankfully, my little family has not had to deal with anything serious.  No major illnesses or anything like that.  And Chris and I both have good jobs and good insurance.  I realize so many deal with serious health problems or financial issues or they have lost parents or siblings or they don't have health insurance.  I know that kind of stuff is BIG, really big and I don't know anything about that kind of hurt or frustration at this point, and for that I am thankful.  That is why we really need to thank God for each day that we have and try to just see the big picture.  This world is not our home.  We are just passing through, but we are not walking alone.  OK, I'm about to break out into a hymn here.  Where's that pitch pipe?  lol.  Doe So Me Doe (then the 'hummmmmmm'). 

In my life,  most problems lately have involved dealing with PEOPLE and that is what makes them so difficult and emotional.  Over the past few years, problems have arisen that I did not see coming and  I really did not do the best job in handling them. Here are some things God taught me as I dealt with this stuff and these were hard lessons to learn:

1.  I don't have to always tell people how I feel.  Like every thought in my head.  I am an open book and I am honest and I have always thought that was one of my good qualities...Weeell, I have learned that being open does not alway have to translate into dislodging every thought from my brain and spilling it out of my mouth.  Sometimes keeping the old mouth shut can be a good thing.  My dad always quotes the Bible 'Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent'. (Proverbs)  I need that on my fridge, for real.

2.  I should not be surprised when problems arise.  I should expect them to arise.  The Bible says that life is a few days and full of trouble, however,  it also says we should praise God anyway because these trials work patience in us.  No wonder I am having extra trouble--duh!  I am the most impatient person EVER.  Again, I am so thankful for Chris because he really does help me with that.  He never over-reacts.  He usually just lets things work themselves out and is not confrontational at all.  That's a good thing, I have learned.  I'm just a fixer, what can I say...workin on this but it's a struggle.

3.  I have to go with the flow and not have an 'admit me to Marion' breakdown every time someone doesn't think I am MissWonderfulness or hurts my feelings.  People hurt each other.  Christian people hurt each other, unintentionally most of the time (I would hope).  We are just imperfect and we act emotionally instead of patiently and prayerfully (preaching to myself here).  I have to forgive and move on and not hold bitterness in my heart because that is just plain old sin. I shouldn't be waiting for apologies or acceptance or a lovey dovey hug fest. As long as my heart is in the right place, a place of love and compassion, then I am pleasing God and that is most important.

4.  I have to realize that I cannot be close friends with everyone I have always been close friends with.  People change.  Times change.  God moves us around in life.  I have great, close friendships in my family and I am thankful for those. 

5.  I always want things to 'get fixed' when problems arise, whether it be problems with the house, relationship problems, whatever.  I want the world to stop and all of the bad to go away and get some super glue and have some heart to heart talks and fix fix fix.  I have realized that most stuff, big stuff, especially the relationship stuff, can take days, months, even years to 'fix'.  God works differently in everyone.  But I will tell you this:  ME?  I like to make-up right away.  No matter what.  It makes my stomach hurt to be at odds with a person or a family member.  I want things to be back to normal and perfect.  It doesn't always work that way with every person (can't imagine) but some people just like to woller in it (and that is one of my favorite words, woller...just wish I got to use it more often). 

6. OK, here is a recent one and it should not bug me but it DOES:  It seems like everywhere I go lately, there is a homeschool buzz-killer.  I mean, here we are having a great time, my kids are learning, I'm having fun teaching, and things are going relatively smoothe...then along comes Miss or Mr Negg (ative) 'Are you getting them involved in enough activities?  You don't want them to be UNsocialized, now that's real important.  You do get their vaccinations now, don't you?  Will they be able to go to college with that homeschool degree?  What about their prom and stuff?'  I am serious.  This happens all of the time.  Random people.  At Lowe's.  At Kmart.  It's bizarre.  I need to realize that not everyone is going to think it is super duper that I homeschool my children.  I have realized that I don't have to explain in great detail why I do it or defend why I do it to anyone.  The truth is, most people DON'T think it is the best choice (and that is ok because it is certainly not for everyone), however, I am only being obedient to what God has called me to do.  I only answer to God and my husband...and us three, we are all on the same page so that's all that matters.  I saw a tee shirt that was awesome...It said 'Ask me why I homeschool!'  Then underneath, 'On second thought, DON'T'.  That is so true because it is such a touchy area for people.  I have found many people are offended because of the 'If it's good enough for mine, why isn't it good enough for yours?' thing.  I have told my children that public school is not a bad place, there are great teachers and great kids and they have lots of's just the teacher's not as great as ME, the kids aren't as great as YOU GIRLS, and they don't have as much fun as US.  wink wink.  Plus, we get to learn God's word and that is something that can't be taught in the public school.  We get to learn every subject from a Biblical view point and that is just plain awesome.  So, here would be my advice to the HSH mafia (home school haters)---- you know the old saying 'if you can't say anything nice..' (you should know the rest)----well, that would apply here. 

God bless you all. 

Shewww.  Now, I'm really depressed and I'm going to have to go to DQ and buy a blizzard from the guy with the crusty fingernails.  Next blog----HAPPY THOUGHTS!


  1. Awwww Joelle...I hope no one is being mean to you. That makes me sad. I just have to say as far as the home school stuff goes you're exactly right. People freak out over stuff like that and I just don't get why everyone has to share their opinions with you. Everyone does what they think is right for their kids and everyone has a different viewpoint...doesn't make them all wrong. And I can tell you I see a huge different in the girls and the kids I teach. The smaller group atmosphere really makes a difference and they are clearly happy and well adjusted and learning all that they should and that's what matters! People are too judgmental sometimes but unfortunately it is a part of life. Love you Joelle! Hope everything calms down and you can relax. :)

  2. Be encouraged...As a veteran homeschool mom of 3 kids now graduated and on their own, I say to you: one day your kids will be grown, graduated from homeschooling, and doing fine, and the stupid comments will cease because the nay-sayers were proven wrong.

  3. Joelle, I hope things are well with you and your precious family. Home schooling is wonderful...if I had kids in school, I would do the same. Don't let anyone steal your joy (trying to learn that myself). As long as you are following God's direction (and I know you are) He will make it all work out. Love you and your family.
