Guess what!?! I will be turning FORTY in a couple of months and I'm actually NOT depressed about it.....I'm excited! I am happy that God has given me forty years of life and I hope and pray he gives me forty more.
God has blessed me with everything I ever dreamed about as a girl. I have personal struggles and bad days, like everyone else, but I am not blind to the beautiful life I am living. I have been thinking about this blog for a while. I wanted to write about some things that I have learned in my forty years.
FORTY things:
1. God loves me and NEVER leaves me. Even when I strayed away from Him, He never stopped loving me, never stopped pulling me back.
2. Not every person is going to love or even like me. That's OK.
3. If you have a small group of friends who TRULY love you and "GET" you, consider yourself blessed. I have a few 'kindred spirits'. People that say GOOD things behind my back. People on my team. That's an awesome thing.
4. My parents have lived much longer than me and they are very wise owls. I listen to them. They give GOOD ADVICE!
5. My parents are the best friends I have ever or will ever have. I didn't realize this until I became a parent.
6. I'm more comfortable in my skin than ever. God made me. He made me the way I should be and for a purpose. I am learning to embrace that.
7. Physical appearance is such a small deal. As I get older, I want my HEART to be beautiful. When someone dies, I never think of what they wore, or what they drove, or even their physical beauty...I think of their heart, their smile. I am annoyed on a daily basis with the physical beauty obsession and actually feel it can be very damaging to our daughters. The standards they feel they have to 'live up to' are not realistic. I am guilty, myself, of telling my daughters how I think they are so beautiful but I think it is more important to say 'You are KIND. You are SMART. You are FUNNY. You are TALENTED. You are INTERESTING.' (I was starting to sound like 'The Help', I realize this.) ;)
8. Life is not always easy. Right now, some days are VERY hard, very stressful. I've learned to pray through those days, cry if I need to.
9. My weight does not define me. It is a number. A stupid number that rules peoples' lives. I used to have a problem with that. I worried about my weight. Not anymore.
10. God gives us opportunities every day to make someone smile or laugh, DO IT! Laughter really is the best medicine.
11. Be an ENCOURAGER! Pay attention to people. Brag on them. They won't forget the kind words you say. We need to be lifting each other up. Life is hard. There are so many sick people right now.
12. Prayer changes things. Praying, BELIEVING that God CAN and WILL makes a difference, however, my Dad has always told me (and he is right) that we should pray as Jesus prayed. He gave us a perfect model in the Bible, The Lord's Prayer. Not MY will, but YOUR will be done, Oh Lord. That's a hard thing to tack onto the end of a prayer and sort of backwards but we have to believe in the power of God and His miracles, healings, and provision, ask for those things, believing...but most importantly, BELIEVE in His sovereignty and trust that! It's kinda mind-boggling to think about it.
13. STUFF doesn't give us lasting joy, peace, or happiness. Houses, cars, clothes, jewelry.....those things are wonderful and I'm blessed to have lots of nice things but if our hearts aren't linked up with Jesus, we're going to be very miserable people.
14. People aren't always who they say they are or who they portray themselves to be. There are LOTS of pretenders in the world, as I have learned. People lie. People you would never think that would lie to you will lie to you and about you. Not all people who say they love you, truly do.
15. Don't share private things with the wrong people, reference #14. I have been hurt deeply by "friends".
16. Sleep number beds are not your friend. If anyone would like to buy ours, please contact me. I would like to set it on fire.
17. Say I'm sorry when you're wrong but only say it if you're truly sorry. Sometimes that apology won't be accepted at all. Or maybe it won't be accepted until a later time. That's ok.
18. OVER-ANALYZING GETS YOU NOWHERE and if you can help it, DON'T DO IT.... but I am an analyzing machine, deep-thinking, deep-feeling Joelle.
19. If you are a passionate person, as I am, just be one. Don't fight it. I really think that is DNA stuff right there. Some may realize that I get it honest... I get excited. I give awkward hugs. I over-communicate my feelings. I over-explain and give every pertinent detail. "Short story long," says my husband, as I tell a story. ;) I have a strong opinion about everything. I usually can get worked up to a level 8-9 on any given topic. That's who I am. I am married to Calm Cool Chris (comes from a long line of calm and cool) and God had that planned out for my sanity. He pulls me back down to the ground when necessary. (and then gives me a big ole hug and tells me that everything will be ok) <3
20. If you're at Krispy Kreme and the hot sign is NOT on, eat at least two donuts. If the hot sign IS on, get at least a half dozen because you might need three and it's smart to bring a few home. If we had one in town, I would not give this advice. I have had many regrets in passing by KK. One of the greatest joys in life....DONUTS!
21. Crying is good for you. At least it's good for me. I always feels so much better after I cry.
22. But there was one time I cried and cried and couldn't stop crying and I had to go on some medicine for a while. I'm better now. :)
23. Being REAL is the only way to be. (Reference #22) Life is messy and hard...full of fights and sickness and struggles and hard things. Sharing your story can help people in ways that you cannot imagine. Don't let Satan convince you to wallow in the "shame" of your struggle. If God has delivered you from something or you need prayer, don't be afraid to talk about those things. REAL people refresh me! How about you?
24. If you have babies or small children, don't ever buy a couch you can't wipe off. Just trust me on this one.
25. A bicycle ride around the block can change my mood in an instant. I love my bicycle.
26. Vitamix has disappointed me. First of all, I can't use it while Chris is asleep (which is all day, every day 9-4) or he wakes up thinking there is a Dukes of Hazard vehicle revving up in the driveway. Then there's the stick. Wish I had gone with the blender Pioneer Woman uses. Blendtec. No stick required. More user friendly. Same ridiculously high price but I think I would have been happier with it. I cry about it sometimes. No, I don't. I should.
27. Pregnancy is one of the hardest things I have ever experienced but the having of the babies was the easy part, FOR ME. I realize some people have opposite scenarios but I was always most afraid of labor and delivery.
28. Babies are the closest thing to heaven that we can experience, in my opinion. There is no feeling that compares. But after Hudson, I knew the Kent family was complete. Hudson is God's way of saying 'it is finished' here. ;)
29. While on topic, raising children is the hardest thing I have ever done. If you are going to ATTEMPT to do it the right way, it is A LOT of work. It is exhausting, physically and emotionally. I just never knew how hard it was. Now I know. But I am so thankful for the blessing of being able to have children and they are so precious and special and funny and interesting. Life would be so boring without these kiddos.
30. It is very important to be a good listener. It just shows respect. I hate to see people texting while someone is trying to talk to them. RUDE. My husband is a good listener. He has no choice. I never shut up...but I quiz him, and he is listening (most of the time).
31. A hot dog on the grill can taste better than a five star restaurant meal. And, split-top buns, buttered on the grill will change your life and change your hot dog experience all together. Trust me on this.
32. Don't force a relationship that isn't happening. God may have removed that person from your life for a reason or for a season.
33. If you're waiting for a husband or wife, don't try to make it happen with the wrong person just because you want to get married. I did that and thankfully, God intervened.
34. I have learned not to invest $1000 in a computer because computers come to my house to die slow, painful deaths. We are now investing in low-end, more disposable computers. I am typing this on our new $279 Toshiba laptop because I have turned against Dell and HP for life.
35. If you have grandparents, CHERISH THEM. Write down their stories. I wish I had done that. I wish I had documented more of their tales, recipes, etc. Both of my grandmothers were fascinating women! I can still remember the smells of their homes, how they made me feel, and how it felt to lose them. (Both of my Papaws died the year I was born so I never knew them.) My children are still mourning the loss of their grandfather and we all had a good cry tonight.
36. If you love someone, tell them so. We are not promised tomorrow. Don't be so stingy with the 'I LOVE YOU'S'. I will never forget my father-in-law and how he ALWAYS told me he loved me. ALWAYS hugged and kissed me. That made me feel so good. I want to make people feel that way!
37. Starbucks Vanilla Bean Scones WILL rock your world if you will let them. They are small and you can order them in three's. Best. Scone. Ever. Do. Not. Delay.
38. I don't care what the animal rights people say, everyone needs to own a pair of Uggs in their lifetime. Real Uggs. Not for the bragging rights but for the pure cozy luxury of them. I have bought my Dad two pair of Uggs for Christmas gifts, a boot and a shoe and he cherishes those things. He is so careful with's so cute. He has had the boots for five or so years and the shoes for two. They really do last and last. Sometimes you have to replace the sheepskin footbed but that's only $15. And, no, we don't sell them at Tops & Bottoms. I wish.
39. Don't be afraid to be different. My Dad always told me this. Now, I tell my kids the same thing. I am Joelle and I am unique. There is no other person like me. And I don't want to be like anyone else. God made me special. I was reminded of that at church today!
40. Donut Shop is the best K-cup. Except for Starbucks K-cups. Well, those two. But Donut Shop is cheaper.
The End.
Love you all. I do not withhold my 'I LOVE YOU'S'.
I'm going to hug you when I see you. Even if it's awkward.
Get you a piggy bank and save for your Uggs. Or your power bill. I realize you have to prioritize in times like these.
This blog was way too long. But since I'm down to one blog post per year, I'm saying to myself 'It's ok'.
Wonderful post! If #4 and #5 were realized and implemented by more teens and young adults, family life - and life in general - would be much improved for many people!
ReplyDeleteI miss you soooooo much!!!!